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Course Management Systems Versus Learning Management Systems

One question that vexes many e-learning specialists is, “What is the real difference between course management systems (CMSs), like WebCT and Blackboard, and learning management systems (LMSs), like NetDimensions EKP, Saba, and SumTotal?” Here’s a description of what CMSs are and the issues that arise when using them, followed by a similar discussion of LMSs.


On the surface, the CMSs and LMSs seem similar. Both let you enroll participants in courses, communicate with learners, track performance, and launch learning materials. But the two were designed for very different uses. As a result, although one system may seem intriguing, if you use it for a purpose for which it was not originally designed, problems in applying the system may arise. To make sure that you choose the type of system that best meets your needs, this article compares CMSs and LMSs.


CMSs: designed to support academic classroom courses


Course management systems (CMSs) are online systems that were originally designed to support classroom learning in academic settings, such as universities and high schools. CMSs provide instructors with the ability to perform the following tasks:

·         Place course materials online. Most CMSs provide pre-programmed buttons for the course syllabus, course schedule, and course materials linked to specific lessons, such as copies of readings and PowerPoint slides from lectures.

·         Track student progress through assessment features, which enable instructors to give quizzes and tests online, and an online gradebook, where instructors can post student grades.

·         Discussion board, where instructors and students can discuss readings and continue class discussions between formal class sessions.

·         Other communications tools, which let instructors send announcements to classes and communicate individually with students

·         Lock box for students, where students can store class materials in a safe place—either a presentation to give later in class or backing up class assignments in a safe place.

·         Course statistics, which provide information on the use of the course site, including who used the course site and when.


Examples of CMSs include the commercial products Blackboard and WebCT, and the open source system, Moodle.


Because CMSs enable instructors to easily create a course website by following a template and uploading existing documents in PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Acrobat and other popular formats without converting them to a web format (like HTML), they require few specialized skills. As a result, CMSs are easy to learn and were quickly adopted by instructors, even those who might claim to be luddites. Indeed, some universities report that well over 70 percent of their instructors have created course websites using CMSs.


CMSs also have proven popular in managing asynchronous academic distance courses, too, because of their ability to manage discussions. In addition, given that CMSs were already installed and in wide use only adds to their popularity. When using a CMS to manage a distance course, instructors post a core lesson—a master script, of sorts, that guides students through readings, discussions, and learning activities—instead of merely posting readings and PowerPoint slides for each lesson,. Instructors then use the discussion board to manage the course discussions, which are usually more extensive than those used in classroom courses. Figure 1 shows an example of a script from a course on mediated communication.

Figure 1: Script for a Graduate Course Mediated Communication

4.2 Choose the Genre (Format) for the Content

The first major design choice that you make is the genre, or format, for this content. To introduce you to the concept of genre, this section first gives you a hands-on introduction to the concept of genre. Then, it asks you to read an article about the use of genre in mediated (online) communication and discuss what you read. Last, this section suggests ways to apply the concept of genre in your project.


4.2.1 Opening Activity

Do the following:

1.      Visit the CIA World Factbook at .

2.      When the Factbook appears, visit the description of the country Malawi. (The drop down menu listing the countries in the factbook appears in the middle of the page.)

3.      When the description of Malawi appears, note the headings there.

4.      After reviewing the description, visit the descriptions of Japan and Moldova.


Next, do the following:

1.      Visit the Your Guide to Diabetes at the website, WebMD (my.webmd.com/content/article/45/1667_50910.htm#1)

2.      When the Guide appears, skim through it and note the types of information provided. Pay special attention to the headings.

3.      After familiarizing yourself with the Diabetes Center, visit the following additional disease centers and skim each—paying special attention to the headings:

·         Heart disease (my.webmd.com/medical_information/

·         Allergies (my.webmd.com/medical_information/


Discussion Question: After skimming through the last of the disease centers, answer the following questions:

·         Answer the following questions about the CIA World Factbook:

o        Do the profiles of the countries in the CIA World Factbook use similar headings? If so, which ones? Are the headings presented in the same order in all country profiles or not?

o        Do the different profiles employ a similar layout? If so, what’s similar about it?

o        What is the writing style in the first disease center? Is this the same writing style that you found in the fifth center? If not, how did it differ?

o        As you visited the third profile, what did you expect to find in it? How did you determine that this information should be included in the profile? Were your expectations met? If yes, what did you find? If not, what did not match the expectations?

·         Answer the same questions again about the three Disease “Guides” that you visited at WebMD.

·         Which reference is easier for users? Why?


Share your responses with your classmates in the discussion area of the course on WebCT. In addition, keep your responses for the Record of Activities.


Although easy to use and widely installed, CMSs pose a few challenges for their users.

·         In exchange for the ease of use, most CMSs provide instructors with a limited flexibility in designing course. CMSs typically come with standard sections that instructors must provide, and the section names are not easily altered.

·         Limited capability to provide interactive e-learning. Although they let instructors test students online, the tests must usually conform to templates and e-learning primarily consists of reading transcripts, like the one in Figure 1. To add more imaginative and interactive e-learning via authoring tools like Flash and Dreamweaver, instructors must link to separately created materials. That is, the lesson cannot be created and uploaded in the CMS. The material must be created with different tools and stored elsewhere.

·         Limited testing and record keeping abilities. Although CMSs let students take tests online, some lack the security measures to verify that students are really who they say they are and some have lost tests that students completed before transmitting them to the instructor for grading. In addition, although most CMSs have added capabilities to automatically transfer grades from the gradebook to other systems used to track student progress, this capability is not available in all CMSs and often increases the cost significantly.

Similarly, because most universities use other systems to enroll students and manage payments, most CMSs cannot check that students have prerequisite courses. Or, to be more blunt, academic institutions need a means of making sure that graduating students have paid their library fines before awarding a diploma, and CMSs do not provide such capabilities because universities have already made large investments in other systems to do that. The system that is most widely used in universities to manage enrollments and grades, and link to other university records systems is an administration system called Banner.

·         Cost. As the market matures and software publishers add complex features (especially to appeal to the corporate market), prices for CMSs have risen sharply in recent years. Although cost has driven some universities to strengthen their commitments to their CMSs, it has driven other universities to drop their CMSs and provide open source tools that do not carry a lease or purchase cost.


LMSs: designed to support corporate training


Learning management systems (LMS) refers to software that primarily acts as an electronic registrar by electronically performing various enrollment and related tasks. LMSs were originally designed for workplace learning environments, and specifically perform some or all of the following tasks:

·         registration

·         track participation (classroom attendance, sign-ons and sign-offs of online courses)

·         track of completions (including final scores or grades)

·         testing

·         follow-up discussions with particpants

·         aggregated reports, such as the number of people registered for particular courses

·         transfer of information to other systems, such as human resource information systems

·         process charges for courses, such as tuition payments and transfer payments among departments

·         course catalog

·         skills management.


Scores of LMSs are available on the market. Among them are NetDimensions EKP, Saba, and SumTotal Systems.


From a participant perspective, an LMS provides a central point from which learners access activities. It provides a list of courses available, and lets learners enroll in courses. If learners must complete prerequisite courses, the system can check that. After learners enroll in a course, the system can automatically generate an enrollment confirmation and, later, a reminder about the class. After class, the system can be used to test knowledge, record a course completion, and send the information to the learner’s permanent employment record, as well as send follow-up correspondence to the learner. For an e-learning course, the system can launch the course, track student progress, record completions, and send the information to the learner’s permanent employment record


For administrators, LMSs can be used to manage both classroom and e-learning. For e-learning, the system starts the course after the learner registers in the course. For classroom courses, the LMS can provide a variety of resources, including schedules for individual classrooms (that is, facilities tracking capbilities) and class lists for instructors. LMSs can also be used to record and assess training satisfaction (Level 1). In addition, LMSs can generate a number of reports, from the number of students enrolling in particular courses to aggregated records of student performance in particular courses.


Although in increasingly wide use, LMSs pose a number of challenges for their users.

·         Cost. Analysts in the online learning industry comment that learning management systems are often the most expensive learning investment made by organizations. Costs can easily range from $500,000 to several million dollars.  

·         Evolving technology. The technology used for LMSs has changed extensively in the past three years. Some moved from inflexible to more flexible platforms. Others added many of the features of a learning content management system, which is used to manage electronic source files for courses, so the material can be easily reused in other courses.

·         Challenges in customization. Like clothing for most hard-to-fit people, the unique quirks of a particular organizational environment require that training organizations manage their operations in a particular way—and most LMSs are designed to manage operations in a different way. Although LMSs can be customized (and this has become easier with time), many cannot handle every unique need of a training organization. Organizations may have to do commission custom programming to achieve their goals.

·         Interoperability with other learning material. Because LMSs are supposed to provide a one-stop shop to learners as well as track all learning activities, these systems should easily provide links to all online learning programs and easily share tracking information, test results, and similar material with courses. Although e-learning standards assist in these efforts, making sure that materials conform to e-learning standards requires a fair amount of work by the technical staff.


Also, while LMSs are primarily designed to manage e-learning, that can be used to manage all of a training organization’s learning programs, including traditional classroom learning.


Comparing CMSs and LMSs


Because they were initially designed for different environments—CMSs for universities and other academic environments and LMSs for workplace learning environments—the two systems have several distinct differences (see Table 1).



Table 1: Summary of Differences among LMSs and CMSs


Course Management Systems (CMS)

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Support for ongoing classroom courses






Automatically generated confirmation notes



Course catalog



Skills management list



Checks for prerequisites before allowing enrollment



Seamless link to e-learning



Automatically generated follow-up correspondence



Grade book



Administers tests and quizzes

ü (with some limitations)


Automatically transfers completion information to the permanent record



Discussion board for between-class “conversation”




CMSs are ideal for managing classroom courses in universities and other academic environments. The communications capabilities they offer make them ideal for managing long-term, academic distance courses taught in an asynchronous manner, and for which students are expected to do extensive reading. Although they can provide links to other types of asynchronous e-learning, CMSs cannot be used to create them. These include asynchronous e-learning modules with animated (Flash) sequences and narrated lectures that need to be recorded in other formats.


In addition, although they provide record keeping features, CMSs were not designed to record and report course enrollments, final grades, payment for courses, and similar administrative functions. Later versions of commercial CMSs now provide some or all of these features, but because most universities have long-term investments in other systems to handle such tasks, CMSs are not likely to be adopted to handle administrative tasks.


Unlike CMSs, LMSs are ideal for e-learning programs, which can be created in other tools or, when the LMS is part of an LCMS. Similarly, LMSs can also handle a broader range of registration and related tasks than CMSs, because they were designed to do so.


A client once asked why universities and other academic institutions cannot use LMSs. The answer: because education and training are different types of learning activities, the systems that support them are essentially different. As education is intended to build long-term knowledge, the CMSs that support it are designed to support long-term academic classroom classes. In contrast, as training is intended to build knowledge for immediate application, so LMSs are designed to support a large number of short training events.


In other words, although e-learning is used in both workplace and academic environments, the types of e-learning, the means of assessing it, and the types of records kept with it significantly differ among the two environments. As a result, different systems have been developed to meet the needs of those environments.


Published: November 2005

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